10 Week Fall, Winter, & Spring Semesters
(visit Classes page for dates)
First Child: $225
Second Child: $120*
Third Child +: Free
Tuition includes: CD, a digital download of all songs, a songbook, and a musical growth chart
6 Week Summer Semester
First Child: $145
Second Child: $66*
Third Child +: Free
Tuition includes: CD, a digital download of all songs, a songbook, and a musical growth chart
3 Week Holiday Sing a Long
Each December
First Child: $55
Second Child: $33*
Third Child +: Free
*with registered sibling

Class times are subject to change or cancellation
Full payment is due with registration
Receipt of payment will hold your space in class
Unlimited make-up policy each semester
You may make one change to your original class choice once the semester begins - any additional requests for class changes are subject to class availability and administrative fees
No refunds will be issued once the semester has begun
Tuition includes: CDs, a digital download of all songs, a songbook, and a musical growth chart
All classes are indoors this Winter, the following protocols will be in place:
*Parents, teachers, and students age 2+ will be wearing face masks
*Class size will be limited to a maximum of 10 families
*Each family will have their own, physically distanced carpet to sit on
*Every family will have their own, sanitized bucket of instruments
*All teachers are vaccinated